Sunday, December 18, 2005

Lego Star Wars

If you love Lego or Star Wars, you owe it to yourself to get a copy of Lego Star Wars for the XBox or other gaming platform. It can be found for $19 these days, and it is probably one of the best and well made games I've ever seen. It has good puzzles, awesome lego construction, follows the first three episodes quite well, great mixed game play and story line. Humorous Lego minifig animation, expression and acting, and great control (wish you could control the camera a bit, however).

Friday, December 02, 2005

Lego's and Mech's...mmmm

So, as if Lego's and computers wasn't about as nerdy as you could get, why not lump in sci-fi mechwarrior in with it. Cool!
